Vigo, April 26, 2022. Better organised contents and renewed image. The Institute of Marine Research of the Spanish Research Council (IIM-CSIC) presents today the renewal of its website (

Destined to act as a meeting point with the external community of the IIM-CSIC, the new space in the Net aims to "improve our visibility, our impact and strengthen an image that fits our values ​​of transversality, sustainability, transparency and diversity." This was the spirit of the website, in words of IIM-CSIC's director, Fran Saborido Rey, who adds that the whole of this conception finds coherence "in our points of departure and arrival; the ocean and society".

The new website represents a clear qualitative leap in the IIM-CSIC's commitment to positioning itself as a center of high impact in the field of marine sciences.

On the one hand, the reorganization of the contents aims to highlight one of the great strengths of the  institute, its high transversality within the ocean sciences.

The new Research and Innovation sections are organized into 3 major Transversal Research and Innovation Programs (TRIPs) from which 9 lines of research and 9 productive sectors define the work of the Institute.

Other sections seek to achieve one of the main objectives of this website, to strengthen the dialogue with society. Thus, the new Society section compiles the work done in Scientific Culture and Ocean Literacy by the centre, a classified gallery of resources and new initiatives, as well as our commitment with Open Science with the lead of our Library service. Besides, the Work & Study section will give the visitor access to all the opportunities that arise to join the IIM at any point in your career. Finally, the sixth section gives access to the most recent news of the IIM-CSIC, to make more accessible the information about our day-a-day activity and the most relevant events

On the other hand, the new design seeks to reinforce the clarity of the content and the value, interest, impact and beauty of the work carried out at the Institute.

This new space will be presented after a long work of the management of the center, the Internationalization and Transfer Unit (IACIC), the Scientific Culture Unit (UCC + i) and, ultimately, all the staff who have contributed, in one way or another, to the birth of this new website.

On the creation of this website, the IIM has counted with the unvaluable support of web design experts from the company Ondeuev, as well as web development professionals from Omitsis Drupal. Both of them companies with proved experience on similar projects for other research centres and scientific institutions.

However, the work is not yet complete as the website is conceived as a flexible and durable tool, which can be maintained over time and can continue to contribute to the greater visibility of the center, both locally and worldwide. For the time being, an important development is expected in the coming weeks, with the translation of all the contents into Galician and Spanish. A procedure that is already underway and will be published in the coming weeks.
