Advanced Chromatography and Omics
The Institute's Advanced Chromatography & Omics service (ACOS) is an analytical service mainly focused on providing analyses by means of chromatographic techniques, transversally aimed at all the IIM-CSIC's research groups.
The service is performed using five HPLC systems equipped with UV-VIS detectors, fluorescence, IR, Light Scattering and Mass Spectrometry (MS), and its capabilities are expanded thanks to the use of four other gas chromatography devices with FID detection, a Purge and Trap MS system, and a headspace MS system.
ACOS was recently granted an EQUIPA 2021 Aid from the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) for the purchase of a High Resolution Tribrid Mass Spectrometer, which will certainly expand the service's capabilities. Starting in 2023, thanks to this new instrumentation, ACOS will be able to carry out analytical determinations encompassed under the umbrella of Advanced Proteomics, Lipidomics and Metabolomics technologies.
The service also intends to expand beyond the center itself, eventually allowing ACOS to attend to other requests from the Galician, Spanish and Northern Portuguese scientific community.
Objectives & Tasks
- Carrying out maintenance and fine-tuning of general-purpose chromatographic equipment.
- Carrying out different chromatographic determinations of metabolites and compounds such as fatty acid and hydrocarbon methyl esters by GC-MS, nucleotides and amines in acid extracts from fishery products by HPLC, polysaccharides and compounds obtained by recovery of fishery by-products by HPLC with IR detection, Light Scattering, etc.
- Providing requesting groups with support in compound determination by means of chromatographic techniques.
Ana MaríaGarcíaBlancoStrategic & Technical Supportanagarci@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438504
CésarGonzálezTarríoResearch Support Technicianscgonzalez@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438655
CarmenPiñeiroGonzalezStrategic & Technical Supportcpineiro@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438505
JesúsValcárcelBarrosResearch Support Techniciansjvalcarcel@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438475