6.77 M
projects & contracts*
*data from the last 5 years
  • Ovalle, J.C.; Vilas, C.; Antelo, L.T. (2022) On the use of deep learning for fish species recognition and quantification on board fishing vessels Marine Policy DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105015
  • Pedreira, A.; Vázquez, J.A.; García, M.R. (2022) Kinetics of Bacterial Adaptation, Growth, and Death at Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride sub-MIC Concentrations Frontiers in Microbiology DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2022.758237
  • González, P.; Osorio, R.R.; Pardo, X.C.; Banga, J.R.; Doallo, R. (2022) An efficient ant colony optimization framework for HPC environments Applied Soft Computing Journal DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.108058
  • Otero-Muras I; Banga JR (2021) Synthetic Gene Circuit Analysis and Optimization " Computational Methods in Synthetic Biology" Humana Press / Springer ISBN:978-1-0716-0822-7
  • Otero-Muras I; Banga JR (2021) Automated Biocircuit Design with SYNBADm " Synthetic Gene Circuits" Springer ISBN:978-1-0716-1031-2
  • TFM - Andrea Arribas Jimeno (26/09/2022) Aplicabilidad de la tecnología de imágenes hiperespectrales (HSI) como método no invasivo para la evaluación de la calidad del pescado UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
  • TFM - Artai Rodríguez Moimenta (19/07/2020) Desarrollo de un modelo de corte mecanístico que permita describir un proceso de fermentación mixta Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
  • TFG - Laura Honrubia Baamonde (11/07/2019) Optimization of Benzalkonium Chloride treatment in the disinfection of L. Monocytogenes in the Food Industry UNIVERSIDAD DE LLEIDA
  • TFM - Pablo de la Torre Fernández (20/09/2018) Modelado del proceso de fermenatición vínica: co-cultivo de especies no convencionales Universidade da Coruña
  • Prototype | Morbidostat: Unraveling Antimicrobial Resistance

    Morbidostat is a computer-controlled continuous culture device that automatically adjusts drug concentration to maintain constant growth inhibition in microbial cultures. As bacteria acquire mutations that give them resistance against drugs, they are able to tolerate higher drug concentrations and grow faster, thus removing selective pressure, the driving force of evolution. To compensate for this, morbidostat increases drug concentration sufficiently to keep bacteria at their original growth rate, therefore maintaining selective pressure over time. This system allows for data acquisition to model microbial evolution under antimicrobial stress, optimize biocide dosage strategies and develop highly antimicrobial-resistant strains used to test the performance of new biocides, among other applications.


  • Software | DOTcvpSB: Matlab toolbox for Dynamic Optimization in Systems Biology

    DOTcvpSB is a toolbox written in MATLAB that uses the control vector parameterization (CVP) method to handle continuous and mixed integer dynamic optimization problems. DOTcvpSB has been successfully applied to several problems in systems biology and bioprocess engineering.

    More information here.

  • Software | Fish-T-TaB Simulator: Temperature simulator for fish stored in tubs and boxes

    This model was developed and applied by members of the EFSA Working Group on the transport/storage of fresh fishery products during the preparatory work on the BIOHAZ Scientific Opinion on the use of "tubs" for transporting and storing fresh fishery products (EFSA-Q-2019-00053). Heat transfer modeling was applied to estimate surface temperature of fish during the temperature-related processes of cooling and subsequently maintaining the chill temperature of the fish (‘cooling’ process) and/or maintaining the chill temperature (‘keeping’ process) for fish kept in ice (in boxes) versus in water and ice (in tubs) under similar transport/storage conditions.

    More information here.

  • Software | Kinetics of E. coli inactivation by benzalkonium chloride v1.0

    This model and associated code was developed to optimize disinfection protocols and minimize bacterial resistance. This model was applied in the following journal article: Optimization of E. coli Inactivation by Benzalkonium Chloride Reveals the Importance of Quantifying the Inoculum Effect on Chemical Disinfection. Front. Microbiol., 26 June 2018. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.01259

    More information and access to the code here.
