Innovation Capabilities & Products
- Software | PREMER: fast network inference with information theory
PREMER (Parallel Reverse Engineering with Mutual information & Entropy Reduction) is an open-source, multi-platform software tool for inferring network structures from data using information-theoretic measures. While this general purpose tool has been developed with biological networks in mind, it can be applied to other areas.
More information here.
- Software | ACOmi: Ant Colony Optimization for mixed integer nonlinear programming problems (MINLPs)
The method is described in Schlater, M., J. A. Egea, J. R. Banga (2009) Extended ant colony optimization for non-convex mixed integer nonlinear programming. Computers & Operations Research 36(7): 2217-2229.
Software available upon request (email us if interested).
- Prototype | iObserver: On-board electronic monitoring system for catch identification and quantification
iObserver is an innovative monitoring device based on automated video monitoring coupled with artificial intelligence developments for visual recognition and quantification of the catches on board fishing vessels.
iObserver implements a continuous image recording system adaptable to different fishing vessels and deep learning algorithms to automatically identify and quantify catches on board in real time.
iObserver focuses mainly on developing algorithms for robust automatic species recognition and size estimation of fish transported on a conveyor belt. Trials have been performed on board Spanish oceanographic vessels and commercial vessels. With over 300 days at sea, iObserver was used in more than 1000 hauls and took more than 200,000 pictures, and 17 species have already been included in the system's catalogue.
For further information, please contact us by e-mail.
- Software | BioPreDyn-bench: a suite of benchmark problems for dynamic modeling in systems biology
BioPreDyn-Bench is a suite of benchmark problems for dynamic modeling in systems biology. Currently, it contains six challenging parameter estimation problems, which aspire to serve as reference test cases in this area. This set includes medium- and large-scale kinetic models of E.coli, S. cerevisiae, D. melanogaster, Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and a generic signaling network. The level of description includes metabolism, transcription, signal transduction and development.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Development of new food products from fisheries and aquaculture by-products
Development of processes for the transformation of discards and seafood by-products into new raw materials (fish mince, fish oil, etc.) with added value for the generation of innovative processed food products (hamburgers, nuggets, etc.), ensuring traceability, nutritional value and safety in new value chains.
- Software | MIDER: a toolbox for network inference using mutual information distance and entropy reduction
MIDER (mutual information distance and entropy reduction) is a general purpose software tool for inferring network structures. It has been developed with biological networks in mind but can be applied to other areas.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Development of bioprocesses (biorefineries) for the extraction of bioproducts and bioactive compounds from food industry by-products
Development of processes that allow extracting useful components of industrial interest from discards and food industry by-products and effluents. Biochemical characterization of useful components present in different kinds of fisheries products and by-products, such as skin collagen, visceral enzymes, chondroitin sulphate present in cartilage, chitin from crustacean shells and cuttlebone or protein hydrolysates obtained from muscle. Evaluation of potential applications of these compounds through the characterization of their biological activities (antioxidants, etc.) and functional properties for their use in different industries, such as biomedical, chemistry, cosmetic, food, etc.
- Capabilities | Characterization of photosynthetic properties and by-products of phytoplankton
Characterization of the photosynthetic properties and by-products of different phytoplankton species under laboratory, industrial farming and natural conditions.
- Software | MEIGO: a multiplatform toolbox for Global Optimization using Metaheuristics
MEIGO is a global optimization toolbox that includes a number of metaheuristic methods, as well as a Bayesian inference method for parameter estimation.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Development of intelligent and active food labels
Development of smart food labels based on models for oxidation, microbial growth, etc. that let consumers know when food is no longer fit to eat, helping to prevent food waste, and give information on freshness, package temperature, etc.