Recycling and Valorization of Waste Materials
Closing the loop: new value chains inspired by the marine biorefinery concept.
All along the value chain of marine products, the different transformations undergone by the product generate waste that is usually disposed of. Finding a new life for materials that are nowadays considered waste is a key path to real sustainability.
The Recycling & Valorization of Waste Materials (ReVal) research group works to develop, optimize and scale new processes designed to provide new value to effluents and by-products from different food industry sectors, such as the marine, aquaculture and fisheries sectors or the agri-food industry.
To do this, the group is inspired by the concept of ‘marine biorefinery’. This concept seeks to optimize the number and quality of products that can be produced out of marine organic materials. Gelatins, cartilage, fish protein hydrolysates, marine peptones, chondroitin sulfate, chitin derivatives and bioapatite are only some of the added-value products that the group is able to collect.
In addition, the potential of microorganisms to produce biotechnological compounds is a key tool for ReVal: they can be used in bioconversion processes to produce probiotics, bacteriocins, lactic acid, enzymes, astaxanthin or hyaluronic acid in different procedures and types of operations, also optimising the separation-purification stages of microbial metabolites.
Another leap towards sustainability, driven by the group’s experimentation with microorganisms, is microbial bioremediation of oil spills in marine environments. The group investigates the application of dispersants and coastal cleaning agents to remove oil adhered to rock surfaces, a remediation measure that can be applied in ecotoxicologically and environmentally safe conditions.
Additionally, the group investigates the application of mathematical modelling, both mechanistic and empirical, to different strategies related to chemical and biological processes. Based on their thorough knowledge of the interactions and transformations within a system, the group can model enzymatic, microbial and animal growth and bioactive responses, as well as complex dose-response relationships.
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Analíticas innovadoras de metabolitos do plancto</p>
Principal investigator:RiobóAgullaPilarFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I con las CCAA del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia (NextGenerationEU).Funding for IIM-CSIC:25300€Fromto - LIFE REFISH -
<p>Flexible biorefinery to valorise discards and by-products of the European fish and seafood production (REFISH)</p>
Principal investigator:VázquezÁlvarezXosé AntónFunding body:LIFE Environment (Nature & Circular Economy)Funding for IIM-CSIC:357637€Fromto - VALOR -
<p>Valorización integral de los efluentes y residuos de pieles generados en el proceso de producción de gelatinas marinas de alta calidad</p>
Principal investigator:VázquezÁlvarezXosé AntónFunding body:CSICFunding for IIM-CSIC:21600€Fromto - BBM -
<p>Biotecnología y Bioprocesos Marinos</p>
Principal investigator:GonzálezSoteloCarmenFunding body:Ayudas cofinanciadas con fondos de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de la Xunta de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:75000€Fromto - SEAFOODAGE -
<p>Smart and eco-innovative SEAFOOD processes and products for healthy AGEing</p>
Principal investigator:BalsaCantoEvaFunding body:Project co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund.Funding for IIM-CSIC:374161€Fromto
- Pedreira, A.; Vázquez, J.A.; García, M.R. (2022) Kinetics of Bacterial Adaptation, Growth, and Death at Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride sub-MIC Concentrations Frontiers in Microbiology DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2022.758237
- Alves, A.L.; Costa-Gouveia, J.; Vieira de Castro, J.; Sotelo, C.G.; Vázquez, J.A.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Torrado, E.; Neves, N.; Reis, R.L.; Castro, A.G.; Silva, T.H. (2022) Study of the immunologic response of marine-derived collagen and gelatin extracts for tissue engineering applications Acta Biomaterialia DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2022.01.009
- Rodrigues, D.P.; Calado, R.; Pinho, M.; Rosário Domingues, M.; Antonio Vázquez, J.; Ameixa, O.M.C.C. (2022) Bioconversion and performance of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) in the recovery of nutrients from expired fish feeds Waste Management DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2022.01.035
- Valcarcel, J.; Vázquez, J.A.; Varela, U.R.; Reis, R.L.; Novoa-Carballal, R. (2022) Isolation and characterization of polysaccharides from the ascidian styela clava Polymers DOI:10.3390/polym14010016
- Valcarcel, J.; Hermida-Merino, C.; Piñeiro, M.M.; Hermida-Merino, D.; Vázquez, J.A. (2021) Extraction and characterization of gelatin from skin by-products of seabream, seabass and rainbow trout reared in aquaculture International Journal of Molecular Sciences DOI:10.3390/ijms222212104
- PhD - Miguel Ángel Prieto Lage (06/11/2014) Formulación y optimización de métodos analíticos empleando modelos matemáticos dependientes del tiempo y la dosis para la caracterización, identificación y cuantificación eficiente de respuestas individuales, sinérgicas y antagónicas de anti- y pro-oxidantes. Aplicación práctica con diferentes sustratos alimentarios UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
- PhD - Diego Rial Conde (04/10/2013) Toxicity and marine risk assessment of spill treating agents and oil UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
<p>Estudios de viabilidad para la valorización de cabezas de tiburón azul y de efluentes de la cocción de mejillón y de cefalópodos</p>
Principal investigator:VázquezÁlvarezXosé AntónFunding body:Conservas RIANXEIRA SAUFunding for IIM-CSIC:84700€Fromto
- Capacidades | Avaliación de ameazas e puntos de control críticos nas cadeas de valor dos produtos do mar
Avaliación e desenvolvemento de protocolos para identificar os puntos e produtos máis problemáticos canto á contaminación microbiolóxica e infestación parasitaria ao longo da cadea de valor dos produtos do mar.
- Capacidades | Diseño de procedimientos de desinfección y modelado para la prevención de la resistencia a agentes antimicrobianos
Desarrollo de estrategias químicas (combinaciones de desinfectantes, aceites esenciales) y biológicas (enzimas, fagos) que sean efectivas en la eliminación de biopelículas monoespecíficas y mixtas en superficies usadas en la industria alimentaria. Prueba de biocidas y desarrollo de mejores estrategias de dosificación de biocidas para la industria alimentaria, garantizando la seguridad alimentaria al tiempo que se evita la adquisición de resistencia a agentes antimicrobianos.
- Capabilities | Prospection of new bioactive compounds
Prospection of new bioactive compounds in marine organisms and food industry by-products, including characterization of their activity and validation of their application in different sectors (health, cosmetics, nutrition, etc.).
- Capacidades | Deseño de procedementos de desinfección e modelaxe para a prevención da resistencia a axentes antimicrobianos
Desenvolvemento de estratexias químicas (combinacións de desinfectantes, aceites esenciais) e biolóxicas (encimas, fagos) que sexan efectivas na eliminación de biopelículas monoespecíficas e mixtas en superficies usadas na industria alimentaria. Proba de biocidas e desenvolvemento de mellores estratexias de dosificación de biocidas para a industria alimentaria, garantindo a seguridade alimentaria ao tempo que se evita a adquisición de resistencia a axentes antimicrobianos.
- Capacidades | Prospección de nuevos componentes bioactivos
Prospección de nuevos componentes bioactivos en organismos marinos y en subproductos de la industria alimentaria, incluida la caracterización de su actividad y la validación de su aplicación en diferentes sectores (sanitario, cosmético, nutrición, etc.).
- Prototype | Morbidostat: Unraveling Antimicrobial Resistance
Morbidostat is a computer-controlled continuous culture device that automatically adjusts drug concentration to maintain constant growth inhibition in microbial cultures. As bacteria acquire mutations that give them resistance against drugs, they are able to tolerate higher drug concentrations and grow faster, thus removing selective pressure, the driving force of evolution. To compensate for this, morbidostat increases drug concentration sufficiently to keep bacteria at their original growth rate, therefore maintaining selective pressure over time. This system allows for data acquisition to model microbial evolution under antimicrobial stress, optimize biocide dosage strategies and develop highly antimicrobial-resistant strains used to test the performance of new biocides, among other applications.
- Pilot | iDVP: Integral Discharges Valorization Point
Developed within the Life iSEAS project, in iDVP, the biorefinery concept is applied to the integral revalorization of fishing discards. It consists of devices for crushing/grinding/homogenization, autoclave, meat-bone separator for fish mince production, 300-500 L reactors configured for controlled chemical/enzymatic hydrolysis, biocompound separation and purification systems including tricanter centrifuges and membrane equipment (micro and ultrafiltration), and devices used for concentration (vacuum evaporator) and drying (freeze-dryer and spray dryer). For further information, please contact us by e-mail.
- Patent | Procedure for the extraction of hyaluronic acid from fish vitreous humor
Authors: Miguel Anxo Murado; Maria Montemayor Castroviejo; Marta López Cabo; Maria del Pilar Gonzalez Fernández; Laura Pastoriza Enriquez
Technique for the preparation of hyaluronic acid (AH) based on fish vitreous humor for its use in cosmetics and clinical work. The process comprises protein electrodeposition and simultaneous diafiltration with total recirculation. This procedure allows for selective recovery of impure sediments, precipitation of AH and solubilization of proteins, yielding AH with purity over 99.5%. More detailed information can be found here.