Join the IIM | PhD Opportunities (FPI 2022)
The Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC) offers a pre-doctoral contract within the Programa para la Formación de Doctores de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FPI), contracts granted by the State Research Agency to people who wish to obtain a doctorate associated with a project financed by aid for R&D projects of the State Knowledge Generation Subprogram, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023. You can check the list of projects here.
Applicants must be enrolled or admitted to a doctoral program at a Spanish university, for the 2021/2022 academic year, or be in a position to be on the date the contract is formalized. The program covers the pre-doctoral contract for a period of up to 48 months to carry out the thesis.
¿Why the IIM?
The Institute belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the largest research organization in Spain, the third in Europe and the seventh in the world. The IIM-CSIC is one of the leading marine research institutes in Spain, with a diverse activity and its own strategic units of Internationalization, Transfer and Scientific Culture. Based in the city of Vigo, we offer a dynamic research environment that promotes the career of our staff, expanding their collaboration networks and increasing their real impact on society.
The doctoral thesis project will be developed in line with the project of the State R&D Plan - PID2021-124955OB-I00 with the title "BIVALVES, MICROBIOMA AND DISEASES".
The selected person will participate in the study of the mussel genome and transcriptome and the capacity of this species to respond to potential pathogens. The resistance to diseases of this bivalve contrasts with the frequent mortalities experienced by other bivalves with which it shares the ecosystem and environmental conditions.
We intend to increase our knowledge about the control and balance of their immune response compared to that of other bivalves such as the clam (Ruditapes decussatus) and the cockle (Cerastoderma edule). To do this, we will characterize the hemocyte populations of these bivalves, their immune response and their microbiome, to determine if there are differences that explain their different susceptibilities to diseases.
We will apply massive sequencing methods for studies of transcriptomics, metatranscriptomics and proteomics. In addition, we will study how the mussel microbiome is related to the diversity of microorganisms in the marine environment. We will determine if the microbiome of filter-feeding molluscs can reflect the presence of human pathogens and species of interest in aquaculture.
Beatriz Novoa (beatriznovoa@iim.csic.es); Antonio Figueras (antoniofigueras@iim.csic.es)
Immunology and Genomics Group
Before carrying out the procedures, be sure to carefully read the Announcement of the Call. To send your application, you must use the electronic platform of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Each applicant may submit only one application that will refer to a research project.
The deadline for submitting applications for participation will be from January 12 to January 26 2023 at 2:00 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time).