Ecophysiology, Biomarkers & Sustainable Management of Bivalves
The Galician blue economy couldn't be understood without bivalves.
From mussels grown on the countless mussel farms found in 'rias' (estuaries) to scallops and clams, bivalves are one of the keystones of the region's aquaculture. Their strategic importance calls for the comprehensive study of ecological interactions of farmed bivalves to assess the effects that climate change could have on their culture and to develop new and more sustainable tools for aquaculture management.
Following this line of work, the IIM-CSIC's Ecophysiology, Biomarkers & Sustainable Management of Bivalves group (also known as 'EsMaBa') researches this strategic field of study, with a particular focus on mussels (Mytilus spp.).
The research team works to understand the ecophysiology of bivalves, that is, how their physiology is affected by environmental conditions, and to develop new methods for the continuous measurement of ecological parameters surrounding farmed animals, such as valvometry. For instance, the group studies the biochemistry of bivalve secretions, such as byssus or shells, and how the environment determines their strength, a key factor, particularly to ensure proper attachment of mussels to culture raft ropes.
Based on these ecophysiological studies, the group is able to determine the impact of climate and global change, bioinvasions or other threats on exploited bivalve species, as well as to model ecosystem carrying capacity, thus generating new aquaculture management tools with an ecosystem perspective.
<p>Red para el estudio y promoción de los servicios ecosistémicos de bivalvos</p>
Principal investigator:FernándezBabarroJose ManuelFunding body:Ayuda RED2022-134186-T financiada por MICIU/AEI
/10.13039/501100011033. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónFunding for IIM-CSIC:18300€Fromto - SOSMOL -
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Sostibilidade de Moluscos</p>
Principal investigator:FernándezBabarroJose ManuelFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia. Financiado por FEMP/FEMPA.Funding for IIM-CSIC:136274€Fromto <p>Impacto de factores estresantes en los ecosistemas costeros</p>
Principal investigator:CobeloGarcíaAntonioFunding body:Ayudas cofinanciadas con fondos de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de la Xunta de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:75000€Fromto- ACUIECO -
Principal investigator:FernándezBabarroJose ManuelFunding body:Consello Regulador do Mexillón de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:11925€Fromto - ATLAZUL -
<p>Impulso de la Alianza Atlántica para el crecimiento azul</p>
Principal investigator:SaboridoReyFranFunding body:Proyecto 0755_ATLAZUL_6_E cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER a través del Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020Funding for IIM-CSIC:225000€Fromto
- Mangano, M.C.; Berlino, M.; Corbari, L.; Milisenda, G.; Lucchese, M.; Terzo, S.; Bosch-Belmar, M.; Azaza, M.S.; Babarro, J.M.F.; Bakiu, R.; Broitman, B.R.; Buschmann, A.H.; Christofoletti, R.; Dong, Y.; Glamuzina, B.; Luthman, O.; Makridis, P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Palomo, M.G.; Dineshram, R.; Sanchez-Jerez, P.; Sevgili, H.; Troell, M.; AbouelFadl, K.Y.; Azra, M.N.; Britz, P.; Carrington, E.; Celi¿, I.; Choi, F.; Qin, C.; Dionísio, M.A.; Dobroslavi¿, T.; Galli, P.; Giannetto, D.; Grabowski, J.H.; Helmuth, B.; Lebata-Ramos, M.J.H.; Lim, P.T.; Liu, Y.; Llorens, S.M.; Mirto, S.; Pe¿arevi¿, M.; Pita, C.; Ragg, N.; Ravagnan, E.; Saidi, D.; Schultz, K.; Shaltout, M.; Tan, S.H. (2022) The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale Environmental Science and Policy DOI:10.1016/j.envsci.2021.10.014
- Rodríguez-Velarte, P.; Babarro, J.M.F.; Cobelo-García, A. (2022) Bioaccumulation patterns of trace elements by native (M. galloprovincialis) and invasive (X. securis) mussels in coastal systems (Vigo Ria, NW Iberian Peninsula) Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113463
- Sánchez-Jerez, P.; Babarro, J.M.F.; Padin, X.A.; Longa Portabales, A.; Martinez-Llorens, S.; Ballester-Berman, J.D.; Sara, G.; Magano, M.C. (2022) Cumulative climatic stressors strangles marine aquaculture: Ancillary effects of COVID 19 on Spanish mariculture Aquaculture DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737749
- G. Sar aa; M. C. Manganob; M. Berlinoa; L. Corbaria; M. Lucchesea; G. Milisendab; S. Terzoa; M. S. Azazac; J. M. F. Babarro; R. Bakiue; B. R. Broitmanf; A. H. Buschmanng; R. Christofolettih; A. Deiduni; Y. Dongj; J. Galdiesi; B. Glamuzinak; O. Luthmanl; P. Makridism; A. J. A. Nogueiran; M. G. Palomoo; R. Dineshramp; G. Rilovq; P. Sanchez-Jerezr; H. Sevgilis; M. Troellt; u; K. Y. AbouelFadlv; M. N. Azraw; P. Britzx; C. Brugerey; E. Carringtonz; I. Celi caa; F. Choiab; C. Qinac; T. Dobroslavi ck; P. Galliad; D. Giannettoae; J. Grabowskiab; M. J. H. Lebata-Ramosaf; P. T. Limag; Y. Liuah; S. M. Llorensai; G. Maricchioloaj; S. Mirtoak; M. Pe carevi ck; N. Raggal; E. Ravagnanam; D. Saidian; K. Schultzab; M. Shaltoutao; C. Solidoroaa; S. H. Tanap; V. Thiyagarajanaq; B. Helmuthab (2022) The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture DOI:10.1080/23308249.2021.1876633
- Vázquez E; Woodin SA; Wethey DS; Peteiro LG; Olabarria C (2021) Reproduction Under Stress: Acute Effect of Low Salinities and Heat Waves on Reproductive Cycle of Four Ecologically and Commercially Important Bivalves FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.685282
- TFM - Hugo Marques Feio (30/08/2021) Effectoftemperatureandsedimentdisturbanceonecophysiologicalresponsesoftheinfaunalclam Polititapes rhomboides Université de Nantes
- PhD - Jihene Lassoued (18/02/2021) Étude des sécrétions coquillère et byssale de la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis: Influence de l¿augmentation de la température et de l¿acidification de l¿eau et possibilités de valorisation Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie
- TFM - Hamza El Morabet (04/03/2016) Shell thickness as protective tissue of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: effect of cultivation site and culture depth Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO)
- TFM - Juan Ramón Suárez García (03/03/2016) Análisis macro- y micro-geográfico de la fortaleza de sujeción del mejillón (Mytilus galloprovincialis) en cultivo UdC
- PhD - Jade Irisarri Cal (15/04/2015) Integration of physiological energetics, biometrics, proximate composition and fatty acids as biomarkers to assess the utilization of fish feed waste by mussels growing near fish cages, UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
- Capabilities | Development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems
Optimization of multitrophic culture systems in open and closed aquaculture infrastructures, ranging from recirculation fish-macroalgae aquaculture systems, with special focus on the effect of the resultant microbiomes on animal welfare, to the adjustment of low-trophic multi-species aquaculture systems in the ocean.
- Capacidades | Desarrollo de sistemas de acuicultura multitrófica integrada
Optimización de sistemas de cultivo multitrófico en infraestructuras de acuicultura abiertas y cerradas, desde los sistemas de recirculación en acuicultura de peces y macroalgas, con especial interés en el efecto de los microbiomas resultantes sobre el bienestar animal, hasta el ajuste de sistemas de acuicultura de múltiples especies de bajo nivel trófico en el océano.
- Capacidades | Desenvolvemento de sistemas de acuicultura multitrófica integrada
Optimización de sistemas de cultivo multitrófico en infraestruturas de acuicultura abertas e pechadas, dende os sistemas de recirculación en acuicultura de peixes e macroalgas, con especial interese no efecto dos microbiomas resultantes sobre o benestar animal, ata o axuste de sistemas de acuicultura de múltiples especies de baixo nivel trófico no océano.
- Capabilities | Development and optimization of aquaculture systems for traditional and new farmed species
Development of integrated culture techniques for new aquaculture species, as well as optimization of traditional ones based on different approaches (i.e. early development, handling, feeding, disease and immune responses, ecophysiological performance, or ecosystem carrying capacity) to improve animal welfare, yield and sustainability in global marine aquaculture.
- Capacidades | Desarrollo y optimización de sistemas de acuicultura para especies de cultivo tradicionales y nuevas
Desarrollo de técnicas de cultivo integradas para nuevas especies acuícolas, así como optimización de las especies tradicionales basada en diferentes enfoques (es decir, desarrollo temprano, manipulación, alimentación, enfermedades y respuesta inmunitaria, rendimiento ecofisiológico o capacidad de carga de los ecosistemas) para mejorar el bienestar animal, el rendimiento y la eficacia de la acuicultura marina a nivel global.
- Prototype | MUSSEL-HFNI: high-frequency non-invasive (HFNI) low-cost biosensor for aquaculture monitoring
Device to monitor the physiological status of up to 64 bivalves in their culture system in real time.
The monitoring system is based on the analysis of micro-movements of bivalves related to valve opening (valvometry). This technique has been confirmed by recent studies as a very promising technique to detect harmful algal blooms or ocean acidification episodes.
The prototype is being adapted to increase its portability and autonomy. For further information, please contact us by e-mail.