Innovation Capabilities & Products
- Window to the seaMarine instruments & sensors Coastal & Environmental Protection Ecosystem Services & Governance Maritime Spatial Planning
Interoperable data platform that collects records of a variety of indicators related to coastal risks both in Galicia and in the North of Portugal The variables include, among others, the risk of eutrophication, coastal erosion, flooding or loss of genetic diversity. Linked to the MarRisk project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020.
- Capabilities | Development of “in vivo” bioactivity tests for biomolecules using animal models
Use of animal models (zebrafish, turbot, mice, etc.) as model systems to study the bioactivity of different compounds, as well as fish and human diseases (septic shock, inflammatory illnesses, etc.).
- Software | CRNreals: distinguishability analysis of biochemical reaction networks
A software toolbox that supports the distinguishability analysis of chemical reaction network (CRN) models.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Development of “in vitro” bioactivity tests for biomolecules using cell lines and specific gene expression tests
Development of techniques (metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, lipidomics, biomarkers) to characterize the response of cells to different biomolecules and to validate their activity and safety.
- Capabilities | Prediction and characterization of harmful algal blooms
Characterization and modeling of algal blooms and their interaction with oceanographic and environmental conditions to model and predict proliferation episodes.
- Capabilities | New technologies for rapid detection of pathogens in fishery and aquaculture products
Development of mass spectroscopy techniques for rapid identification and quantification of parasites in seafood products, as well as proteomic techniques to identify pathogenic microorganisms, fish parasites and allergen proteins.
- Software | Kinetics of E. coli inactivation by benzalkonium chloride v1.0
This model and associated code was developed to optimize disinfection protocols and minimize bacterial resistance. This model was applied in the following journal article: Optimization of E. coli Inactivation by Benzalkonium Chloride Reveals the Importance of Quantifying the Inoculum Effect on Chemical Disinfection. Front. Microbiol., 26 June 2018.
More information and access to the code here.
- Prototype | iObserver: On-board electronic monitoring system for catch identification and quantification
iObserver is an innovative monitoring device based on automated video monitoring coupled with artificial intelligence developments for visual recognition and quantification of the catches on board fishing vessels.
iObserver implements a continuous image recording system adaptable to different fishing vessels and deep learning algorithms to automatically identify and quantify catches on board in real time.
iObserver focuses mainly on developing algorithms for robust automatic species recognition and size estimation of fish transported on a conveyor belt. Trials have been performed on board Spanish oceanographic vessels and commercial vessels. With over 300 days at sea, iObserver was used in more than 1000 hauls and took more than 200,000 pictures, and 17 species have already been included in the system's catalogue.
For further information, please contact us by e-mail.
- Software | GenSSI: toolbox for structural identifiability analysis of biological models
GenSSI is a toolbox that requires MATLAB and Symbolic Math Toolbox. It offers a technique for studying structural identifiability using iterative Lie derivatives and identifiability tableaus.
More information here,
- Capabilities | Control of traceability and labelling
Development of specific biomarkers and -omic techniques to quantify allergens and to track species composition and geographical origin for quality traceability and prevention of food fraud and unregulated fisheries.