
  • Patent | Procedure for the extraction of hyaluronic acid from fish vitreous humor

    Authors: Miguel Anxo Murado; Maria Montemayor Castroviejo; Marta López Cabo; Maria del Pilar Gonzalez Fernández; Laura Pastoriza Enriquez

    Technique for the preparation of hyaluronic acid (AH) based on fish vitreous humor for its use in cosmetics and clinical work. The process comprises protein electrodeposition and simultaneous diafiltration with total recirculation. This procedure allows for selective recovery of impure sediments, precipitation of AH and solubilization of proteins, yielding AH with purity over 99.5%. More detailed information can be found here.



  • Patent | Procedure for the identification of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in canned tuna

    Authors: Carmen González Sotelo; Isabel Medina; Ricardo Pérez Martín; Javier Quinteiro Vázquez; Manuel Rey Méndez

    Technique for the identification of Thunnus alalunga in preserved tuna products, which comprises the amplification of a 187-pb fragment (BDR) of the cytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA by the sequential use of two endonucleases. This allows distinguishing it from other species used as substitutes for Thunnus alalunga in canned products. More detailed information can be found here.



  • Patent | Procedure for the identification of frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard) in canned frigate mackerel

    Authors: Carmen González Sotelo; Isabel Medina; Ricardo Pérez Martín; Javier Quinteiro Vázquez; Manuel Rey Méndez

    Technique for the identification of Auxis thazard in preserved fish products, which consists of the amplification of a 187-pb fragment (BDR) of the cytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA by the use of a restriction endonuclease. This allows distinguishing it from other species used as substitutes for Auxis thazard. More detailed information can found here.


  • Capabilities | Development and implementation of natural additives and innovative processing techniques for seafood conservation

    Development and implementation of natural additives (i.e., algae extracts and other lipophilic antioxidants) with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, as well as innovative food processing and preservation methods (i.e. high hydrostatic pressure) to improve seafood conservation and shelf life.


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