Biosystem & Bioprocesses Engineering
From mathematical modeling and computer-aided simulation to design, control and optimization of bioprocesses and biological systems.
The world around us can be explained to a great extent by understanding the systems that compose it and the processes that connect them.
The IIM-CSIC's Biosystem & Bioprocess Engineering group seeks to develop new methods and tools (mainly software) for process systems engineering, which enable the simulation, optimization and control of bioprocesses, such as those involved in food processing and preservation and in industrial biotechnology.
The group applies process systems engineering methods to improve the efficiency of key industrial processes, reducing their environmental impact and improving the quality and safety of their products.
Its focus is model identification, optimization, monitoring and robust control of non-linear dynamic systems, including distributed parameter systems (convection-diffusion-reaction). The group considers a broad spectrum of applications, namely fisheries management, food processing, quality and safety—including antimicrobial resistance—and industrial biotechnology.
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<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Xemelgo dixital do cultivo de algas na acuicultura multitrófica integrada</p>
Principal investigator:BalsaCantoEvaFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia. Financiado por FEMP/FEMPA.Funding for IIM-CSIC:122667€Fromto - ATOPES -
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Aplicación de Tecnoloxías Innovadoras para a Obtención de Datos Pesqueiros</p>
Principal investigator:TaboadaAnteloLuisFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I con las CCAA del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia (NextGenerationEU).Funding for IIM-CSIC:137391€Fromto - DATAMARE -
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Plataforma integrada de datos mariños</p>
Principal investigator:VeloLanchasAntónFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I con las CCAA del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia (NextGenerationEU).Funding for IIM-CSIC:112585€Fromto - PreCalA -
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Ferramentas para a predición da calidade en productos da acuicultura</p>
Principal investigator:VilasFernándezCarlosFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia. Financiado por FEMP/FEMPA.Funding for IIM-CSIC:100281€Fromto - LIFE REFISH -
<p>Flexible biorefinery to valorise discards and by-products of the European fish and seafood production (REFISH)</p>
Principal investigator:VázquezÁlvarezXosé AntónFunding body:LIFE Environment (Nature & Circular Economy)Funding for IIM-CSIC:357637€Fromto
- Pedreira, A.; Vázquez, J.A.; García, M.R. (2022) Kinetics of Bacterial Adaptation, Growth, and Death at Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride sub-MIC Concentrations Frontiers in Microbiology DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2022.758237
- Ovalle, J.C.; Vilas, C.; Antelo, L.T. (2022) On the use of deep learning for fish species recognition and quantification on board fishing vessels Marine Policy DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105015
- González, P.; Osorio, R.R.; Pardo, X.C.; Banga, J.R.; Doallo, R. (2022) An efficient ant colony optimization framework for HPC environments Applied Soft Computing Journal DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.108058
- Otero-Muras I; Banga JR (2021) Synthetic Gene Circuit Analysis and Optimization " Computational Methods in Synthetic Biology" Humana Press / Springer ISBN:978-1-0716-0822-7
- Otero-Muras I; Banga JR (2021) Automated Biocircuit Design with SYNBADm " Synthetic Gene Circuits" Springer ISBN:978-1-0716-1031-2
- TFM - Andrea Arribas Jimeno (26/09/2022) Aplicabilidad de la tecnología de imágenes hiperespectrales (HSI) como método no invasivo para la evaluación de la calidad del pescado UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
- TFM - Artai Rodríguez Moimenta (19/07/2020) Desarrollo de un modelo de corte mecanístico que permita describir un proceso de fermentación mixta Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
- TFG - Laura Honrubia Baamonde (11/07/2019) Optimization of Benzalkonium Chloride treatment in the disinfection of L. Monocytogenes in the Food Industry UNIVERSIDAD DE LLEIDA
- TFM - Pablo de la Torre Fernández (20/09/2018) Modelado del proceso de fermenatición vínica: co-cultivo de especies no convencionales Universidade da Coruña
<p>Water Associated Safety Hazards in the Treatment of Produce</p>
Principal investigator:RodríguezGarcíaMíriamFunding body:European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)Funding for IIM-CSIC:80000€Fromto
- Capacidades | Desenvolvemento de aplicacións de Intelixencia Artificial para a xestión de pesquerías
Desenvolvemento de algoritmos de Deep Learning que permiten automatizar os procesos de vixilancia das pesquerías e reducir o tempo e os custes en comparación co procesamento mediante observación humana. As aplicacións desenvolvidas van dende sistemas innovadores de vixilancia electrónica remota en tempo real, que identifican e cuantifican as capturas totais dos barcos de pesca (p. ex., iObserver), ata novas técnicas de recoñecemento de imaxe que permiten identificar os peixes a nivel individual e estimar parámetros poboacionais.
- Capacidades | Desenvolvemento de etiquetaxe intelixente e activa dos alimentos
Desenvolvemento de etiquetas intelixentes para os alimentos baseadas en modelos de oxidación, crecemento microbiano, etc. que permitan a quen os consume saber cando os alimentos xa non son aptos para o seu consumo, axudando a evitar o desbaldo de alimentos, e que informen sobre a súa frescura, temperatura do paquete, etc.
- Capacidades | Modelado y optimización de procesos fermentativos y otros bioprocesos de uso industrial
Desarrollo de algoritmos matemáticos y software de simulación para la optimización global y el control de bioprocesos en las industrias alimentaria y biotecnológica.
- Capabilities | Characterization of photosynthetic properties and by-products of phytoplankton
Characterization of the photosynthetic properties and by-products of different phytoplankton species under laboratory, industrial farming and natural conditions.
- Capabilities | Development of intelligent sensors for the optimization of food processing and conservation
Development of non-invasive methods and technologies (i.e. hyperspectral imaging technology) for quality inspection of food products.
- Software | saCeSS: a parallel global optimization library
The saCeSS library allows solving non-linear programming (NLP) and mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problems. It also offers efficient local solvers for nonlinear parameter estimation problems associated with complex models (e.g. those described by differential equations).
More information here.
- Software | SensSB: toolbox for the development and Sensitivity analysis of Systems Biology models
Authors: M. Rodríguez-Fernández and J. R. Banga
Description: SensSB is an easy-to-use Matlab®-based sensitivity analysis software toolbox. This tool integrates a variety of local and global sensitivity methods that can be applied to biological models described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or differential algebraic equations (DAEs). SensSB is also able to import models in the Systems Biology Mark-up Language (SBML) format.
Available here upon request.
- Software | SYNBADm: a toolbox for automatic optimal design in synthetic biology
SYNBADm is a Matlab-based toolbox for the automatic design of biological circuits with targeted functions from component libraries.
More information here.
- Software | GLOBALm: a clustering method for constrained global optimization problems in Matlab
Method described in Csendes, T., L. Pal, J.O.H. Sendin, J.R. Banga (2008) The GLOBAL Optimization Method Revisited. Optimization Letters, 2(4):445-454.
Software available upon request (email us if interested).
- Software | AMIGO2: Advanced Modelling and Identification using Global Optimization, version 2
AMIGO2 is a MATLAB-based multiplatform toolbox designed to solve mathematical optimization problems at the core of systems biology, within the context of parametric model identification, the underlying hypothesis for model development and the optimal control of biological systems to synthetically achieve the desired behavior.
More information here.