Aquatic Biotechnology Lab
Our lab studies the fundamental question of how the development of complex organisms is controlled, using turbot and zebrafish as our models.
The main scientific objective of the Aquatic Biotchenology Lab is to apply molecular and cellular approaches to studies of early development and disease in fish, as well as to apply basic science to improve the yield, performance and sustainability of marine aquaculture at the global level.
Our lab's research generally focuses on understanding how the information encoded in DNA is accurately used by cells to perform the physiological functions required during the different developmental phases.
The disruption or breakdown of these regulatory mechanisms is responsible for many developmental abnormalities, such as morphological deformities. We aim to reveal the way some of these mechanisms work, which, in turn, will help us understand the cause of the associated abnormalities. We use zebrafish (Danio rerio) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) as model systems.