Biosystem & Bioprocesses Engineering
From mathematical modeling and computer-aided simulation to design, control and optimization of bioprocesses and biological systems.
The world around us can be explained to a great extent by understanding the systems that compose it and the processes that connect them.
The IIM-CSIC's Biosystem & Bioprocess Engineering group seeks to develop new methods and tools (mainly software) for process systems engineering, which enable the simulation, optimization and control of bioprocesses, such as those involved in food processing and preservation and in industrial biotechnology.
The group applies process systems engineering methods to improve the efficiency of key industrial processes, reducing their environmental impact and improving the quality and safety of their products.
Its focus is model identification, optimization, monitoring and robust control of non-linear dynamic systems, including distributed parameter systems (convection-diffusion-reaction). The group considers a broad spectrum of applications, namely fisheries management, food processing, quality and safety—including antimicrobial resistance—and industrial biotechnology.