UCC+I: Engagement with Society Unit
At the Institute of Marine Research, we aim to be an active part of the community around us, and also of the wider society, and to involve its members on every step of our scientific process.
Since 2020, the Engagement with Society Unit (also known as UCC+i) ensures that the knowledge and technology we develop at the Institute generates the greatest impact possible, seeking the best manner of sharing it to a wide variety of audiences outside our walls, fostering Ocean Literacy and opening our doors to our fellow citizens.
However, communicating science to society is not enough. The unit works to take our external community on-board and tries to open a dialogue with them, providing spaces and opportunites to share impressions about the things we do and to listen to the demands or doubts they may have. All while debunking the stereotypes about the scientific community, fostering STEM careers amoung the youngest and sharing the scientific method as a way of critically making sense of our world.
Click "read more" for more information about the organisation and philosophy of the unit!
Organisation of the UCC+i
Following the guidelines of the Spanish Foundation for Science & Technology (FECYT) White Paper on UCC+i Units (2021), the UCC+i of IIM works with a focus on science outreach & communication to the wider society, producing resources and events which bridge the gap between our scientific community and the citizenry, with a special interest on Sci-Art initiatives such as the Neuston Experiments Series or Arela de Mar. While keeping essential activities, like school talks and a presence on local science fairs, the Unit strives to improve its network of collaborators and to contribute to European-wide projects like the European Researchers' Night.
The UCC+i works together with the Communication Unit of the Delegation of CSIC in Galicia supporting the media & digital communications of the centre, keeping our social media channels up to date and sharing our latest R&I results in collaboration with IIM's Research Groups.
In addition, the UCC+i aims to establish itself as a referent on the field of Science, Technology & Society (STS) Studies, developing a budding research of its own to improve the way in which science is being shared, and fostering new training initiatives which push for a profesionalisation of Science Communication & Public Engagement positions.
The Unit stemmed from the legacy of the work that was already being performed at the Institute by its own staff, with the unvaluable support of the Engagement with Society Unit of the Delegation of CSIC in Galicia.