Complex microbial ecosystems multiscale modelling: mechanistic and data driven approaches integration.
E-MUSE training programme aims at developing young researchers’ skills at the interface between artificial intelligence and life sciences. The European dairy industry plays an important role in European culture and its economy, and its long and successful history is often rooted in traditions passed down over generations. Experience and intuition will soon have a third pillar of support with multiscale modelling tools under development in the context of the EU-funded E-MUSE Doctoral Network (MSCA-ITN). E-MUSE aims to develop innovative modelling methodologies to improve knowledge about complex biological systems and to control and/or predict their evolution by combining artificial intelligence and systems biology. This multidisciplinary strategy integrating genome-scale metabolic models, dynamic modelling methodologies, together with the design of efficient statistical and machine learning tools, will allow analysis of multi-omics data and application of the results to macro-scale properties related to cheese ripening and consumer preference.