
I am a researcher specialized in the area of fisheries ecology. I completed my PhD in 2013 at the University of Vigo (Spain), during which I worked on determining the population structure of the bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus) in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, using Geometric morphometrics. This project was funded by the EU Marie Curie Actions (Early Stage Training) and a CONACyT (Mexican National Council for Science and Technology) grant. More recently, I have been collaborating on the FishGenome project, "Improving cost-efficiency of fisheries research surveys and fish stocks assessments using next-generation genetic sequencing methods" and in the EC Framework contract "Improving Environmental Sustainability of Deep Sea Fisheries with Emphasis on the Conservation of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs). Currently, I am involved in the CetAMBICion project, "Coordinated Cetacean Assessment, Monitoring and Management strategy in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast subregion".