
The ocean, an essential element in the evolution of the climate, currently accumulates 93% of the excess heat and 31% of the excess CO2 generated by human activity. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) influences the European climate in a very relevant way in that of the Iberian Peninsula, and amplifies the capture of anthropogenic CO2 with an average rate that exceeds 50% of the average ocean value. Besides, in the subpolar gyre of the NA, ocean acidification reaches abyssal depths (>3500 m), endangering the future of ecosystems supported by cold water coral structures. The recent weakening of the AMOC has been noted and is expected to become more pronounced in the coming decades (IPCC, 2019). The IPCC itself highlights the lack of observations to quantify the magnitude of this reduction. Therefore, observational monitoring (present and past) of ocean circulation and acidification in the NA is essential to advance the accurate detection of anthropogenic impact and improves the projections of the coupled climate models that support the IPCC reports for the subpolar gyre of NA (SPNA). The paleoceanographic information from this area allows to give context and establish the nature of previous changes to the instrumental records in different climatic contexts.